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Athens After Empire: A History from Alexander the Great to the Emperor Hadrian

by: Worthington, I.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 27227
ISBN-13: 9780190633981 / 978-0-19-063398-1
ISBN-10: 0190633980 / 0-19-063398-0
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2021
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Cloth
Book Condition: New

Athens After Empire
A History from Alexander the Great to the Emperor Hadrian
Ian Worthington
First major history of postclassical Athens in more than twenty years
Covers a longer period of time than other such histories
Explores military and philosophical history as well as socio-cultural changes

A major new history of Athens' remarkably long and influential life after the collapse of its empire

To many the history of post-Classical Athens is one of decline. True, Athens hardly commanded the number of allies it had when hegemon of its fifth-century Delian League or even its fourth-century Naval Confederacy, and its navy was but a shadow of its former self. But Athens recovered from its perilous position in the closing quarter of the fourth century and became once again a player in Greek affairs, even during the Roman occupation. Athenian democracy survived and evolved, even through its dealings with Hellenistic Kings, its military clashes with Macedonia, and its alliance with Rome. Famous Romans, including Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, saw Athens as much more than an isolated center for philosophy. Athens After Empire offers a new narrative history of post-Classical Athens, extending the period down to the aftermath of Hadrian's reign.

Table of Contents
Introduction: "This is the City of Hadrian and not of Theseus
1. Farewell to Freedom
2. Under The Puppet Ruler: Demetrius of Phalerum
3. Political and Civic Institutions
4. Demetrius "The Besieger" and Athens
5. Testing Macedonia
6. Independence Day
7. Enter Rome, Exit Macedonia
8.Being Free without Freedom
9. Social Life and Religion
10. Sulla's Sack of Athens
11. The End of "Hellenistic" Athens
12. Augustus and Athens
13. Tiberius to Hadrian
14. Building A New Horizon?
15. Hadrian's Arch

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  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021