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Around the Hearth : Ritual and Commensal Practices in the Mediterranean Iron Age from the Aegean World to the Iberian Peninsula

by: Lamaze, J. Bastide, M.

Price: 116,55 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Mythology / Ancient Religion
Code: 27319
ISBN-13: 9783110738278 / 978-3-11-073827-8
ISBN-10: 3110738279 / 3-11-073827-9
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
Publication Date: 2021
Publication Place: Berlin
Binding: Cloth
Book Condition: New

About this book
From basic needs, such as lighting, heating or cooking, to symbolic or ritual engagement, hearths in indoor contexts serve as a focal point. This is especially evident, both spatially and architecturally, in structures containing central hearths. In assessing any gathering around a hearth, the types of social groups involved need to be determined and their interactions clearly assessed in each specific case. Beyond clearly domestic contexts, many rooms or buildings have been deemed religious or cultic places often based solely on the presence of a hearth, despite other possible interpretations. This volume appraises and contextualises diversity in practice centering on the hearth in the Aegean and, more widely, in areas of the Western Mediterranean closely connected to Greek civilization, notably through its colonies, revealing surprising similarities but also local adaptations. In the West, the use of the hearth often has a unique character arising from local adaptations born of indigenous practices. The combined approach presented here, detailing technical aspects of the hearths themselves, their architectural settings and any associated artefacts or furnishings, affords a rich spectrum for cross-cultural analysis between these Mediterranean regions.

Author information
Jérémy Lamaze, Université Paris 1; Maguelone Bastide, University Paris Nanterre and École française d'Athènes.

Frontmatter I
Contents V
Hearth or Altar?
Jérémy Lamaze
Behind closed doors? Greek sacrificial rituals performed inside buildings in the Early Iron Age and the Archaic period / Derrière des portes fermées ? Les rituels sacrificiels grecs perpétrés à l?intérieur d?édifices
Gunnel Ekroth
Hearth-temples in the sanctuary of Hyria on Naxos / Les temples à foyer central du sanctuaire d?Hyria à Naxos
Evangelia Simantoni-Bournia
La cuisine ou l?autel ? Foyers, cultes et commensalités dans la Grèce de l?Âge du fer (xe–viiie s. av. J.-C.) / Kitchen or altar? Hearths, cults and commensalities in Iron Age Greece (10th–8th centuries BC)
Karine Rivière
De la difficulté d?interprétation des pièces à foyer dans le monde grec au début de l?Âge du fer : un état des lieux / On the difficulty of interpretation of hearth rooms in the Early Iron Age Greece: an inventory
Jérémy Lamaze
Les foyers fixes à l?intérieur d?édifices en Thrace aux époques archaïque et classique : un marqueur cultuel ? / Fixed hearths in Archaic and Classical buildings of Thrace: an indication of cult?
Maguelone Bastide
Decorated clay hearths from Hellenistic Thrace / Les foyers en argile décorés d?époque hellénistique en Thrace
Zornitsa Krasteva
Commensality in Western Sicily – Fireplaces and hearths as ritual centres for social gatherings (8th–6th centuries BC) / Commensalité en Sicile occidentale – le foyer comme point focal des rituels pour les rassemblements sociaux (viiie–vie s. av. J.-C.)
Birgit Öhlinger
Les foyers domestiques de l?Âge du fer dans le Sud de la France (viie–ier s. av. J.-C.). Objets utilitaires ou symboliques ? / Domestic hearths of the Iron Age in the South of France (7th–1st centuries BC). Functional or symbolic objects?
Claire-Anne de Chazelles
Forme, fonction et signification des foyers dans la culture ibérique (600–200 av. J.-C.) / Shape, function and significance of hearths in the Iberian culture (600–200 BC)
Maria Carme Belarte
Conclusion: building a fireplace to build a world
Maguelone Bastide
Index: English words
Index: French words
Index of Toponyms

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Around the Hearth : Ritual and Commensal Practices in the Mediterranean Iron Age from the Aegean World to the Iberian Peninsula

by: Lamaze, J. Bastide, M.

  • ISBN-13: 9783110738278 / 978-3-11-073827-8
  • ISBN-03: 3110738279 / 3-11-073827-9
  • Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2021

Price: 116,55 EURO

1 copy in stock