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Geographical Information Systems in Urban Archaeology and Urban Planning : A case study of a modern Greek City, built on top of an ancient city

by: Simoni, H.

Price: 29,90 EURO

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Category: Architecture Greek / Architecture Greco-Roman
Code: 27495
ISBN-13: 9781407314778 / 978-1-4073-1477-8
ISBN-10: 1407314777 / 1-4073-1477-7
Publisher: Bar Publishing
Publication Date: 2016
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Paper
Pages: 77
Book Condition: New
Comments: BAR 2812

Geographical Information Systems in Urban Archaeology and Urban Planning
A case study of a modern Greek city, built on top of an ancient city

Author: Helene Simoni
Publication Year: 2016
Language: English
Paperback: 83pp. Illustrated throughout in black and white: 36 tables, 35 figures
ISBN: 9781407314778
BAR number: S2812

The book focuses on the implications of discovering archaeological layers during construction works in modern cities for both urban archaeology and urban planning. The research methodology uses qualitative and quantitative data. Patras, Greece was selected as the case study.Archival research and existing unused data have contributed to the compilation of a database. G.I.S. and statistics are used to process it digitally, and to demonstrate the statistical relationship between data from urban planning and urban archaeology. This enables the prediction of the existence of antiquities and their depth by recording and processing data from five years of excavations, without considering the city's history.The procedure highlights the importance of a city's archaeology for its functioning and proposes the introduction of a new building regulation. This study can be used in the monitoring of construction and the investigation of the role of cultural heritage in the planning of the contemporary city.

Helene Simoni, a member of the Laboratory Teaching Staff at the University of Patras, studied History & Archaeology and undertook an MA in Landscape Studies and a PhD in Urban Planning & Heritage Management. Co-founder of the Institute of Local History, she shares her research interests between G.I.S. and oral history.
?..Simoni presents an interesting alternative method for managing development in urban areas at the same time as preserving, as far as possible, the archaeological remains.? Rachel Sycamore, Medieval Archaeology, Vol 61.1.2017

Abstract v
Acknowledgements vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Structure of the book 2
2 GIS as the Technological Background for the Study of a City 4
2.1 Archaeology and quantitative analyses 4
2.2 GIS in archaeology and archaeological resource management 6
2.2.1 Database management 6
2.2.2 Spatial analysis – Generating new information 7
2.2.3 Predictive modelling 8
2.3 GIS in urban archaeology: Applications and implications 9
2.3.1 GIS on the ?site? scale 10
2.3.2 GIS on the ?city? scale 11
2.4 Conclusion 13
3 Urban Planning and URBAN Archaeology 14
3.1 Theoretical framework 14
3.2 Management of the underlying archaeological resources in the city: Questions and tools 16
3.2.1 New uses for known methods (landscape archaeology) 16
3.2.2 Ground disturbance as a source of information 17
3.2.3 Interdisciplinary collaboration and opening up to society 17
3.3 Expected outcomes 18
3.4 Conclusion 18
4 Model Construction 19
4.1 Methodology 19
4.2 Patras as a case study 20
4.2.1 Interviewing the experts 23
4.3 The data 24
4.3.1 Data collecting - Limitations 24
4.3.2 Data digitisation 25
4.3.3 Tools of Spatial Analysis 25
4.3.4 Tools of Statistics 28
5 Application and Results 30
5.1 Testing the distribution of the sample 30
5.2 Predictive modelling of archaeological potential 31
5.2.1 Thiessen Polygons 31
5.2.2 Further statistical and spatial analysis 33
5.2.3 Results and Discussion 35
5.2.4 Conclusion 37
5.3 Interpolation 37
5.3.1 Spatial and geostatistical analysis 37
5.3.2 Results 40
5.3.3 Conclusion 43
5.4 Archaeological excavations and the building regulations of the city 43
5.4.1 Classification of the building regulations into groups and the calculation of the surface of the City Plan 44
5.4.2 Distribution of the excavations 46
5.4.3 Distribution of the archaeological excavations 46
5.4.4 Distribution of chronological periods 47
5.4.5 Distribution of typology 48
Geographical Information Systems in Urban Archaeology and Urban Planning
5.4.6 Distribution of the preservation status of the excavated sites 49
5.4.7 Distribution of potential archaeological surface 50
5.4.8 Distribution of intended excavation depths 50
5.4.9 Distribution of maximum known depth without archaeological deposits 51
5.4.10 Conclusion 52
6 General Conclusion and Future Prospects 53
6.1 Results, Discussion and a New Building Regulation 53
6.2 GIS in the city: Practical Applications & Future Research 55
References 57
Appendix 71
Extract from the Database 71
Tables of statistical tests 72

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Geographical Information Systems in Urban Archaeology and Urban Planning : A case study of a modern Greek City, built on top of an ancient city

by: Simoni, H.

  • ISBN-13: 9781407314778 / 978-1-4073-1477-8
  • ISBN-03: 1407314777 / 1-4073-1477-7
  • Bar Publishing, Oxford, 2016

Price: 29,90 EURO

1 copy in stock