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Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis. Vol. 1 Text - Vol. 2 Plates / Archaeological Exploration of Sardis Report 8

by: Ramage, A. Ramage, N.H. Gurtekin-Demir, R.G.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 27657
ISBN-13: 9780674248557 / 978-0-674-24855-7
ISBN-10: 0674248554 / 0-674-24855-4
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Publication Date: 2021
Publication Place: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 570
Book Condition: New
Comments: 2 Vols. Set.

This much-anticipated publication of two major Lydian excavation sectors at Sardis is the first in-depth presentation of the architecture and associated pottery and other artifacts found in the houses of inhabitants of this legendary city. It traces continuous occupation outside the city walls from the Late Bronze Age to the middle of the sixth century BC, when the Persians under Cyrus the Great captured the capital city of King Croesus.

This book represents a remarkable synthesis of a vast quantity of everyday materials into a vivid picture of daily life in early Sardis in the period when the Lydians were conquering most of western Turkey. The authors describe many small structures and a wealth of artifacts that collectively document the lives of ordinary Lydians, in what appear to be both domestic and craft contexts.

Because the Lydians maintained cultural and economic contacts throughout the eastern Mediterranean and the Near East, scholars working in Greece, Anatolia, and the Near East will find this first presentation of Lydian pottery and other objects, as well as vernacular architecture, of great interest and value. The two-volume book discusses the chronology, history, and evidence of everyday life, and catalogues nearly 800 objects, illustrated by more than 300 color plates of photos and detailed drawings.

Editor?s Preface
Authors? Preface
List of Illustrations
1. Lydian Pottery: An Overview [Andrew Ramage and Nancy H. Ramage]
The Repair and Reuse of Lydian Pottery
Body Fabrics
Coarse Wares
Painted Pottery
Black on Red
Brown (or Black) on Buff
Lydian Orientalizing
Ephesian Ware and “Phrygianizing”
Streaky, Banded, and Marbled
I. Lydian Trench—Sector HoB [Andrew Ramage and Nancy H. Ramage]
2. Introduction
Physical Description of the Site
Topography of Sardis
The Course of the Excavations in Sector HoB
Alluvial Deposits and Stratigraphy
Stratigraphic and Chronological Summary
Description of Major Occupation Levels
3. Late Bronze Age and Earliest Iron Age
Deep Sounding C
Deep Sounding B
Deep Sounding A
4. Lydian IV: Iron Age
5. Lydian III: The Destruction Level
East End
Central Area
South Side
6. Lydian II
The Western Edge of the Lydian Trench
Building H
Building G
Building K
Building L
Building O
Building J
South Side and Central Area: Bothroi
East End
7. Lydian I
Lydian Areas beneath the Roman House of Bronzes
The Lydian Shop
The Lydian Room
East End
Building A
Building B
Central Area
Building D and Building D Extension
South Side
Building E
Building F
The Western Edge of the Lydian Trench
Buildings M and N
Floors South of Building C
Refuse Piles
8. Conclusion
II. Lydian Levels at Pactolus Cliff [Nancy H. Ramage]
9. Introduction
10. Stratigraphy and Finds
Lydian IV
Lydian III
Lydian II
Lydian I
11. Conclusion
III. Catalogues of Finds
Catalogue and Tabulations of Ceramics and Other Finds from the Lydian Trench of Sector HoB
[By Nancy H. Ramage and Andrew Ramage]
Late Bronze Age and Earliest Iron Age
Lydian IV: Iron Age
Lydian III: Destruction Level
[By R. Gül Gürtekin-Demir]
Lydian II
Lydian I
Catalogue of Ceramics and Other Finds from Pactolus Cliff [Nancy H. Ramage]
Appendix. NAA Analysis of Lydian Ceramics from Sectors HoB and PC [Nicholas D. Cahill]
Illustration Credits
Concordance of Sardis Inventory Numbers
Concordance of Manisa Museum Numbers

Andrew Ramage is Professor Emeritus in the Department of the History of Art and Visual Studies at Cornell University.

Nancy H. Ramage is Charles H. Dana Professor of the Humanities and Arts Emerita at Ithaca College.

R. Gül Gürtekin-Demir is Professor of Classical Archaeology at Ege University.

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Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis. Vol. 1 Text - Vol. 2 Plates / Archaeological Exploration of Sardis Report 8

by: Ramage, A. Ramage, N.H. Gurtekin-Demir, R.G.

  • ISBN-13: 9780674248557 / 978-0-674-24855-7
  • ISBN-03: 0674248554 / 0-674-24855-4
  • Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2021