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The Politics of Identity in Greek Sicily and Southern Italy

by: Thatcher, M.R.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 28542
ISBN-13: 9780197586440 / 978-0-19-758644-0
ISBN-10: 0197586449 / 0-19-758644-9
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2021
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 311
Book Condition: New
Comments: Greeks Overseas

The Politics of Identity in Greek Sicily and Southern Italy
Mark R. Thatcher
Greeks Overseas
Presents a new account of the role of collective identity in Greek politics
Examines multiple types of identity together, including polis identity, ethnicity, regional identity, and Greekness
Wide-ranging study, both geographically and chronologically (Archaic to Hellenistic)
Draws on a variety of source material, including historiography, epinician poetry, coinage, and religious practices

The Politics of Identity in Greek Sicily and Southern Italy offers the first sustained analysis of the relationship between collective identity and politics in the Greek West during the period c. 600-200 BCE. Greeks defined their communities in multiple and varied ways, including a separate polis identity for each city-state; sub-Hellenic ethnicities such as Dorian and Ionian; regional identities; and an overarching sense of Greekness. Mark Thatcher skillfully untangles the many overlapping strands of these plural identities and carefully analyzes how they relate to each other, presenting a compelling new account of the role of identity in Greek politics.

Identity was often created through conflict and was reshaped as political conditions changed. It created legitimacy for kings and tyrants, and it contributed to the decision-making processes of poleis. A series of detailed case studies explore these points by drawing on a wide variety of source material, including historiography, epinician poetry, coinage, inscriptions, religious practices, and material culture. The wide-ranging analysis covers both Sicily and southern Italy, encompassing cities such as Syracuse, Camarina, Croton, and Metapontion; ethnic groups such as the Dorians and Achaeans; and tyrants and politicians from the Deinomenids and Hermocrates to Pyrrhus and Hieron II. Spanning the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods, this study is an essential contribution to the history, societies, cultures, and identities of Greek Sicily and southern Italy.

Table of Contents
List of abbreviations
List of figures
1. Introduction
Scope of research
Theorizing identity
A typology of identities
Seeking identity in antiquity
2. Becoming Achaean in Italy
The first Achaeans
Croton: athletes and heroes
Metapontion: insiders and outsiders
3. Syracusan Tyranny and Identity Politics
The tyrant's house and Syracusan identities
Greeks and barbarians
Responses to tyranny
4. Ruling Grain-Rich Sicily
Myth and cult
Sicilian politics
5. Shifting Identities in Thucydides' Sicily
Kinship diplomacy
Camarina's polis identity
Rhetoric and identity
6. Continuity and Change in the Third Century
Greeks and barbarians in southern Italy
Being Syracusan in the third century

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The Politics of Identity in Greek Sicily and Southern Italy

by: Thatcher, M.R.

  • ISBN-13: 9780197586440 / 978-0-19-758644-0
  • ISBN-03: 0197586449 / 0-19-758644-9
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021