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Senses, Cognition, and Ritual Experience in the Roman World

by: Misic, B. Graham, A.

Price: 105,15 EURO

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Category: Mythology / Ancient Religion
Code: 29680
ISBN-13: 9781009355544 / 978-1-00-935554-4
ISBN-10: 1009355546 / 1-00-935554-6
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 2024
Publication Place: Cambridge
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 228
Book Condition: New
Comments: Ancient Religion and Cognition

Senses, Cognition, and Ritual Experience in the Roman World
Part of Ancient Religion and Cognition

EDITORS:Blanka Misic, Champlain College, LennoxvilleAbigail Graham, Institute of Classical Studies, London
Abigail Graham, Blanka Misic, Emma-Jayne Graham, Vicky Jewell, Steven Muir

How do the senses shape the way we perceive, understand, and remember ritual experiences? This book applies cognitive and sensory approaches to Roman rituals, reconnecting readers with religious experiences as members of an embodied audience. These approaches allow us to move beyond the literate elites to examine broader audiences of diverse individuals, who experienced rituals as participants and/or performers. Case studies of ritual experiences from a variety of places, spaces, and contexts across the Roman world, including polytheistic and Christian rituals, state rituals, private rituals, performances, and processions, demonstrate the dynamic and broad-scale application that cognitive approaches offer for ancient religion, paving the way for future interdisciplinary engagement. This title is part of the Flip it Open Programme and may also be available Open Access. Check our website Cambridge Core for details.

Applies a range of approaches from cross- and interdisciplinary scholarship on ritual experiences to ancient rituals in a variety of spaces, places, and contexts
Introduces new cognitive approaches and theories in an accessible manner, with step-by-step explanations and examples
Combines scholarship on cognition (the mind) and senses (the body) in order to reflect lived experiences more accurately

Table of Contents
Introduction: experiencing rituals Abigail Graham and Blanka Misic
1. Remembering the rites: religious learning network model and transmission of religious rituals in the worship of Nutrices Augustae (Poetovio, Pannonia Superior) Blanka Misic
2. The haptic production of religious knowledge among the vestal virgins: a hands-on approach to Roman ritual Emma-Jayne Graham
3. Haptic colour: experiential viewing in Graeco-Roman sacred spaces Vicky Jewell
4. Ain't nobody gonna rain on my parade: experiencing Salutaris' procession as a ritual event Abigail Graham
5. Objects and ritual in Egeria's fourth century pilgrimage: the props of my faith Steven Muir
6. Conclusions: (re)creating ritual experiences Blanka Misic and Abigail Graham.

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Senses, Cognition, and Ritual Experience in the Roman World

by: Misic, B. Graham, A.

  • ISBN-13: 9781009355544 / 978-1-00-935554-4
  • ISBN-03: 1009355546 / 1-00-935554-6
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2024

Price: 105,15 EURO

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