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Antiquite Tardive 31/2023 : La Mediterranee occidentale au Ve siecle


Price: 139,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: New Books
Code: 29802
ISBN-13: 9782503608150 / 978-2-503-60815-0
ISBN-10: 2503608159 / 2-503-60815-9
Publisher: Brepols
Publication Date: 2024
Publication Place: Turnhout
Binding: Paper
Pages: 426
Book Condition: New
Comments: Illustrations:101 b/w, 12 tables b/w., 21 maps b/w

Antiquité Tardive 31/2023 (publ 2024)
La Méditerranée occidentale au Ve siècle
Pages: 426 p.
Size:216 x 280 mm
Illustrations:101 b/w, 12 tables b/w., 21 maps b/w

La Méditerranée occidentale au Ve siècle

Marc Heijmans, Daniel Istria, Bruno Pottier, Introduction

I. Migrations, pouvoirs et transformations de la société

María Victoria Escribano Pano, De Arlés a las Hispanias: usurpadores y bàrbaros durante el periodo / From Arles to Hispania: usurpers and barbarians from 408 to 411 CE

Guillaume Sartor, Les Goths fédérés et la « défense du Nom romain » en Méditerranée occidentale de 416 à 457 / The federated Goths and the “defence of the Roman Name” in the Western Mediterranean from 416 to 457 CE

Jörg Kleemann, Integration and cultural autonomy – about barbarian migrants in the Western Empire in the fifth century concerning their burial customs

Morana Čaušević-Bully, Mario Novak, Anaïs Delliste, Sébastien Bully, Mario Carić, Insular population of the Kvarner archipelago in the fifth Century: Mirine-Fulfitum and Martinšćica church complexe case studies

Bruno Pottier, Réfugiés et exilés lors des grandes invasions du Ve siècle : le cas de l?Afrique du Nord / Refugees and exiled during the great invasions of the fifth Century: the case of North Africa

Alexandra Pierré-Caps, Les cours impériales de Méditerranée occidentale et leurs élites (Milan, Ravenne – Ve siècle), Traditions, évolutions, reconfiguration / The imperial courts of the Western Mediterranean and their élites (Milan, Ravenna – fifth Century), Traditions, changes and reconfiguration

II. Paysages urbains et ruraux : les transformations du cadre de vie

Anthony Peeters, Habiter les campagnes au Ve siècle : la situation des villas en Toscane centro-septentrionale / Living in the Countryside in the fifth Century: villas in Central and Northern Tuscany

Daniele Sacco, Anna Lia Ermetti, Giacomo Cesaretti, Crisis ou Rebirth? Northern Marche – and the city of Pesaro – in the fifth century

Caroline Michel d?Annoville, Jean-Marc Mignon, en collaboration avec Isabelle Doray, Portrait en clair-obscur de la Vaison tardive : l?état du forum dans l?Antiquité tardive / A chiaroscuro portrait of late Vaison: the forum in Late Antiquity

Marc Bouzas, Josep Burch, Pere Castanyer, Josep Maria Nolla, Marc Prat, Joaquim Tremoleda, La fin des villae et le changement de la physionomie du paysage rural dans l?ager des civitates d?Emporiae et de Gerunda / The end of the villae and the changing face of the rural landscape in the ager of the civitates of Emporiae and Gerunda

Oriol Olesti Vila, Los Pirineos orientales en el s. V d.C.: Hacia un modelo territorial post-urbano / The Eastern Pyrenees in the fifth Century AD: towards a post-urban territorial model

Laurent Ripart, Le peuplement monastique des îles de la Méditerranée occidentale au Ve siècle / Monastic settlement of the Western Mediterranean islands in the fifth century

Giulia Bison, The reoccupation of spaces for productive activities in fifth century Rome

Brigitte Steger, Piazza Armerina. La villa du Casale et son décor. Des changements repérables au Ve siècle ? / Piazza Armerina. The Casale Villa and its decor. Changes in the fifth century?

Charlène Routaboul, Mutations et réoccupations des sites ruraux du Haut Empire romain au Moyen Age dans l?Aveyron / Changes and reoccupation of rural rites from the High Roman Empire to the Middle Ages in Aveyron

III. Productions, circulations, réseaux : les transformations de l?économie

Tamoo Mukai, La céramique du Ve siècle en Méditerranée occidentale / Fifth century ceramics in the Western Mediterranean

Elena Caliri, Mare nostrum vs. Wentilseo: la strategia mediterranea dei Vandali / Mare nostrum vs. Wentilseo: the Mediterranean strategy of the Vandals

Gregor Utz, The fate of the economic networks of the port cities Portus, Marseille and Arles in the fifth century

Fabrizio Ducati, Le paysage rural de la Sicile méridionale au Ve siècle après J.-C. : le cas de Cignana / The rural landscape of Southern Sicily in the fifth century AD: the case of Cignana

Céline Huguet, Approche des dynamiques économiques au Ve siècle dans l?Afrique interne : l?apport de l?étude de la vaisselle céramique fine dans la ville d?Ammaedra (Haïdra, Tunisie) / An approach to economic dynamics in 5th-Century internal Africa: the contribution of the study of fine ceramic ware from the town of Ammaedra (Haïdra, Tunisia)

Alfonso Mammato, Ben Russell, Girolamo Ferdinando De Simone, Late antique coin circulation in a changing cityscape: the case of Aeclanum (Campania, Italy)


Nicola Aravecchia, Nathan P. Chase, The use and capacity of early churches in Dakhla Oasis: a liturgical and archaeological perspective

Francesco di Mario, Gian Luca Gregori, Pier Carlo Innico, Diego Ronchi, Gli interventi di recupero nella porticus post scaenam del teatro di Terracina e Una nuova dedica di statua per Costanzo II / Restoration cork in the porticus post scaenam of the theatre of Terracina and a new statue dedication to Constantius II.

Mohamed-Arbi Nsiri, Apocalyptic eschatology and millennialism in the thought of Quodvultdeus of Carthage

Ivan Gargano, Riflessioni per una proposta di localizzazione ed identificazione dell?antica città di Castra Martis in Dacia Ripensis / Localisation and identification of the ancient city of Castra Martis in Dacia Ripensis. Reflection and proposals

Max Ritter, The Michaelion of Anaplous, torn asunder: in an attempt to reassemble. In memoriam Cyril Mango (1928–2021)

Chronique & historiographie

R. Bruce Hitchner, The function of salles à auges in the African provinces (Elsa Rocca, Pauline Piraud-Fournet, François Baratte (éd.), Les « salles à auges ». Des édifices controversés de l?Antiquité tardive entre Afrique et Proche-Orient, Madrid, Casa de Velázquez)

Bulletin critique


The Ancient World : Europe
Ancient Egypt & North Africa (incl. Roman period)
Economic History (up to c. 500)
Urban History (up to c. 500)
Historical geography and population studies (up to c. 500)
Late Antiquity (c. 280-500)

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Antiquite Tardive 31/2023 : La Mediterranee occidentale au Ve siecle


  • ISBN-13: 9782503608150 / 978-2-503-60815-0
  • ISBN-03: 2503608159 / 2-503-60815-9
  • Brepols, Turnhout, 2024

Price: 139,00 EURO

1 copy in stock