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The Book of the Dead : Papyri of Ani, Hunefer, Anhai

by: Rossiter, E.

Price: 45,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Ancient Egypt / Near Eastern Studies
Code: 29832
ISBN-13: 9780517282830 / 978-0-517-28283-0
ISBN-10: 0517282836 / 0-517-28283-6
Publisher: Miller Graphics
Publication Date: 1979
Publication Place: Geneva
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 119
Book Condition: Good

The Book of the dead : papyri of Ani, Hunefer, Anhai

Author:Evelyn Rossiter

119 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm

Book of the dead
Dead Religious aspects
Egypt Religion
Egyptian language Papyri
Future life (Egyptian religion)
Future life Egyptian religion
Incantations égyptiennes
Incantations, Egyptian
Livre des morts
Vie future Religion égyptienne

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The Book of the Dead : Papyri of Ani, Hunefer, Anhai

by: Rossiter, E.

  • ISBN-13: 9780517282830 / 978-0-517-28283-0
  • ISBN-03: 0517282836 / 0-517-28283-6
  • Miller Graphics, Geneva, 1979

Price: 45,00 EURO

1 copy in stock