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The Golden Plectrum : Sexual Symbolism in Horace's Odes

by: Minadeo, R.

Price: 44,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Latin Texts / Roman Philology
Code: 29834
ISBN-13: 9789062036646 / 978-90-6203-664-6
ISBN-10: 9062036643 / 90-6203-664-3
Publisher: Editions Rodopi
Publication Date: 1982
Publication Place: Amsterdam
Binding: Paper
Pages: 237
Book Condition: As New
Comments: Studies in Classical Antiquity - Band 4

The Golden Plectrum
Sexual Symbolism in Horace?s Odes

Studies in Classical Antiquity, Volume: 4

Author: Richard Minadeo

Front Matter
Preliminary Material
Author: Richard Minadeo
Pages: i–vii

Author: Richard Minadeo
Pages: ix

Chapter One Background and Method
Author: Richard Minadeo
Pages: 1–13

Chapter Two The Love Odes
Author: Richard Minadeo
Pages: 14–64

Chapter Three The Carpe Diem Odes
Author: Richard Minadeo
Pages: 65–89

Chapter Four More Erotic Odes
Author: Richard Minadeo
Pages: 90–135

Chapter Five The Patriotic Odes
Author: Richard Minadeo
Pages: 136–200

Chapter Six The Making of Music
Author: Richard Minadeo
Pages: 201–224
Back Matter

Author: Richard Minadeo
Pages: 225–234

Index of Odes Cited
Author: Richard Minadeo
Pages: 235–237

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The Golden Plectrum : Sexual Symbolism in Horace's Odes

by: Minadeo, R.

  • ISBN-13: 9789062036646 / 978-90-6203-664-6
  • ISBN-03: 9062036643 / 90-6203-664-3
  • Editions Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1982

Price: 44,00 EURO

1 copy in stock