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Views of the most celebrated sites of Ancient Greece : Drawn from nature and etched

by: Aligny, T.

Price: 95,00 EURO

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Category: Reception of Antiquity
Code: 29838
Publisher: Commercial Bank of Greece
Publication Date: 1971
Publication Place: Athens
Binding: Paper
Book Condition: Very good
Comments: Dimensions: 70 x 50 cm / Cover type: Paperback, in folio

The publication Views of the Most Celebrated Sites of Ancient Greece (Vues des sites les plus célèbres de la Grèce antique) depicts drawings of ancient monuments and landscapes of Athens, Attica, Corinth and the Cyclades by French painter and printmaker Théodore Aligny, when he travelled to Greece in 1844. An album in folio was published in Paris in 1845 that included 10 copper engravings of his drawings.

Edited by: Pandelis Prevelakis
Author: Théodore Aligny
Publisher: Commercial Bank of Greece
Place: Athens
Year published: 1971
Dimensions: 70 x 50 cm
Cover type: Paperback, in folio

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Views of the most celebrated sites of Ancient Greece : Drawn from nature and etched

by: Aligny, T.

  • Commercial Bank of Greece, Athens, 1971

Price: 95,00 EURO

(in stock)