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The New Documents in Mycenaean Greek : Volume 2 : Selected Tablets and Endmatter

by: Killen, J.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 29931
ISBN-13: 9780521838139 / 978-0-521-83813-9
ISBN-10: 0521838134 / 0-521-83813-4
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 2024
Publication Place: Cambridge
Binding: Cloth
Book Condition: New

The New Documents in Mycenaean Greek
Volume 2. Selected Tablets and Endmatter

EDITOR: John Killen, University of Cambridge
John Killen, Yves Duhoux, Pia De Fidio, Cynthia Shelmerdine, Yves Duhoux, John Bennet, Joost Crouwel, Robert Plath, Peter Van Alfen

In 1952 Michael Ventris deciphered the script found on the Linear B tablets from Crete and the Greek mainland, therefore revealing the earliest known form of Greek. In 1956 he and John Chadwick published Documents in Mycenaean Greek, which gave an account of the decipherment, of the language of the tablets, of the society and economy revealed by the documents and a series of chapters giving texts, translations and commentary of the most important tablets. Though partially updated in 1973, Documents is now very much outdated: there has been a vast accrual of bibliography on the subject since 1973, and discoveries of tablets at new sites. This new survey, written by fourteen of the world's leading experts, will bring the reader fully up-to-date with developments in all aspects of Mycenaean studies, concluding with a new, full glossary of all the most recently discovered words.

Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
Part III. Selected Tablets, Transcription, Translation, Commentary: Introduction: Interpreting Linear B John Killen
11. Lists of Personnel John Killen
12. Livestock John Killen
13. Agricultural Produce John Killen
14.1. Land Tenure Yves Duhoux
14.2. The Pylos 'Dosmos' Tablets Pia De Fidio
15. Taxation Cynthia Shelmerdine
16. 'Industrial' Production Yves Duhoux
17. Finished Products I: Vessels and Furniture John Killen and John Bennet
18. Finished Products II: Military Equipment Joost Crouwel, Robert Plath and John Killen
19. Religion, Cults and Ritual John Killen
20. The Inscribed Stirrup Jars Peter Van Alfen
21. Miscellaneous Texts John Killen
Part IV. Glossary, Bibliography, Indexes And Concordance: Glossary
General Index
Index of Modern Authors Cited
Index of Ancient Authors Cited
Homeric References

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The New Documents in Mycenaean Greek : Volume 2 : Selected Tablets and Endmatter

by: Killen, J.

  • ISBN-13: 9780521838139 / 978-0-521-83813-9
  • ISBN-03: 0521838134 / 0-521-83813-4
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2024