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Sicily and the Hellenistic Mediterranean World : Economy and Administration during the Reign of Hieron II

by: Walthall, D.A.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 29932
ISBN-13: 9781316511053 / 978-1-316-51105-3
ISBN-10: 1316511057 / 1-316-51105-7
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 2024
Publication Place: Cambridge
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 398
Book Condition: New

Sicily and the Hellenistic Mediterranean World
Economy and Administration during the Reign of Hieron II
AUTHOR: D. Alex Walthall, University of Texas, Austin

In Sicily and the Hellenistic Mediterranean World, D. Alex Walthall investigates the royal administration of Hieron II (r. 269-215 BCE), the Syracusan monarch who leveraged Sicily's agricultural resources to build a flourishing kingdom that, at one time, played an outsized role in the political and cultural affairs of the Western Mediterranean. Walthall's study combines an historical overview with the rich archaeological evidence that traditionally has not been considered in studies of Hellenistic kingdoms. Exploring the Hieronian system of agricultural taxation, he recasts the traditional narrative of the island's role as a Roman imperial 'grain basket' via analysis of monumental granaries, patterns of rural land-use, standardized grain measures, and the circulation of bronze coinage— the material elements of an agricultural administration that have emerged from recent excavations and intensive landscape survey on the island. Combining material and documentary evidence, Walthall's multi-disciplinary approach offers a new model for the writing of economic and social history of ancient societies.

Table of Contents
I. Fashioning a Kingdom
1. From general to king
2. Fashioning kingship
3. Cities in the kingdom
II. Measuring a Kingdom
4. Seeing the Hieronian state
5. Standards and the state
6. Monumental granaries
7. The Hieronian mint
8. Institutions and markets in Hieronian Sicily

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Sicily and the Hellenistic Mediterranean World : Economy and Administration during the Reign of Hieron II

by: Walthall, D.A.

  • ISBN-13: 9781316511053 / 978-1-316-51105-3
  • ISBN-03: 1316511057 / 1-316-51105-7
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2024