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The Academy before Plato : A Contribution to the Study of Early Athens. Volume I & Volume II

by: Alexandridou, A. Mazarakis Ainian, A.

Price: 52,20 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: New Books
Code: 29981
ISBN-13: 9789604044160 / 978-960-404-416-0
ISBN-10: 9604044168 / 960-404-416-8
Publisher: Academy of Athens
Publication Date: 2024
Publication Place: ΑΘΗΝΑ / Athens
Binding: Paper
Book Condition: New
Comments: 2 Vols. Set. / 58,00 EURO PUBLISHER PRICE / ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΕΙΑΙ ΤΗΣ ΑΚΑΔΗΜΙΑΣ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ ΤΟΜΟΣ 80 / Oversize book, will need extra cost for shipping

 2 Volumes Set

with contributions by

Maria Chountasi, Antonia Livieratou, Anastasia Papathanasiou & Katerina Trantalidou

Volume I:

ISBN 13: 9789604044177 / 978-960-404-417-7

ISBN 10: 9604044176 / 960-404-417-6



Volume II:

ISBN 13: 9789604044184 / 978-960-404-418-4

ISBN 10: 9604044184 / 960-404-418-4

 192 Plates

  Already viewed

The Academy before Plato : A Contribution to the Study of Early Athens. Volume I & Volume II

by: Alexandridou, A. Mazarakis Ainian, A.

  • ISBN-13: 9789604044160 / 978-960-404-416-0
  • ISBN-03: 9604044168 / 960-404-416-8
  • Academy of Athens, ΑΘΗΝΑ / Athens, 2024

Price: 52,20 EURO

1 copy in stock