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Xenophon's Virtues

by: Danzig, G. Johnson, D.M. Konstan, D.

Price: 137,75 EURO

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Category: New Books
Code: 30029
ISBN-13: 9783111313023 / 978-3-11-131302-3
ISBN-10: 3111313026 / 3-11-131302-6
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
Publication Date: 2024
Publication Place: Berlin
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 487
Book Condition: New
Comments: Volume 1 in the series Xenophon Studies

Xenophon?s Virtues
Edited by: Gabriel Danzig , David M. Johnson and David Konstan
Volume 1 in the series Xenophon Studies

About this book
While Plato?s and Aristotle?s theories of virtue have received extensive scholarly attention, less work has been done on Xenophon?s portraits of virtue and on his attitude towards the theoretical issues connected with it. And yet, Xenophon offers one of the best sources we have for thinking about virtue in ancient Greece, because he combines the analytical interests of a Socratic with a historian?s interest in real life. 

Until recently, scholars of Xenophon tended to focus either on the historiographical writings or on the philosophical writings (chiefly Memorabilia, with some attention to the other Socratic writings and Hiero). Cyropaedia was treated as a separate entity, and Xenophon?s short and more technical treatises were generally studied only by those with particular interest in their specialized topics (such as horsemanship, hunting, and Athenian finances). But recent work by Vincent Azoulay and by Vivienne Gray have shown the essential unity of his writings. This volume continues this pan-Xenophontic trend by studying the virtues across Xenophon?s oeuvre and connecting them with a wide range of Greek literature, from Homer and the tragedians to Herodotus and Thucydides, the orators, Plato, and Aristotle.





Introduction: Xenophon?s virtues

Gabriel Danzig, David Johnson and David Konstan 1
Chapter 1 Xenophon on virtue, an overview

Gabriel Danzig 11
Chapter 2 The cardinal (and other) virtues in the story of the Ten Thousand

Christopher Tuplin 41
Chapter 3 Courage in Xenophon

David M. Johnson 75
Chapter 4 Pre-eminent in phronēsis: Xenophon and Aristotle on the intellectual virtues

Claudia Mársico 111
Chapter 5 Piety and moderation

Edward C. Halper 127
Chapter 6 Kalokagathia in Xenophon: Is it a virtue?

Fiorenza Bevilacqua 159
Chapter 7 Magnificence and magnanimity in Xenophon (and Aristotle)

Pierre Pontier 183
Chapter 8 The charlatan, the boaster, the fraud: Xenophon?s critique of alazoneia

Francesca Pentassuglio 203
Chapter 9 Laughing matters: The ability to endure ridicule as a form of self-control (enkrateia, akrasia and karteria)

Carolin Hahnemann 231
Chapter 10 Sōphrosunē and self-knowledge in Xenophon and the fourth century

Christopher Moore 255
Chapter 11 Sōphrosunē and enkrateia in Xenophon?s writings

Gabriel Danzig 275
Chapter 12 The problem of (in)discipline: Akolasia and kolasis in Xenophon?s works

Milena Lozano Nembrot 315
Chapter 13 Relational virtues and moral emotions: Xenophon?s psychology of χάρις

Tazuko Angela van Berkel 343
Chapter 14 Xenophon on Spartan Obedience: Virtue or Vice?

Ellen Millender 369
Chapter 15 Xenophon and Aristotle on freedom

Melina Tamiolaki 405
Chapter 16 Virtue and vice in the cities of Xenophon?s Hellenica

Sarah Brown Ferrario 439
Afterword: Before virtue

David Konstan 467
Index 481

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Xenophon's Virtues

by: Danzig, G. Johnson, D.M. Konstan, D.

  • ISBN-13: 9783111313023 / 978-3-11-131302-3
  • ISBN-03: 3111313026 / 3-11-131302-6
  • Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2024

Price: 137,75 EURO

1 copy in stock