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Byzantinische Zeitschrift, Band 115 - 2022. Heft 1

by: Krumbacher, K. Berger, A.

Price: 100,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Byzantinische Zeitschrift / ISSN 0007-7704
Code: 30034
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
Publication Date: 2022
Publication Place: Berlin
Binding: Paper
Book Condition: New
Comments: Only Heft 1

Volume 115 Issue 1


Page range: I-II
Page range: III-IV
Page range: V-VI
I. Abteilung
On the toponymics of the Great Palace of Constantinople: the Daphne
Alfredo Calahorra Bartolomé
Page range: 1-46
Late Roman emperorship in Constantinople: embodiment and ?unbodiment? of Christian virtues
Sylvain Destephen
Page range: 47-68
Heraclius Constantine III – Emperor of Byzantium (613–641)
Nikolas Hächler
Page range: 69-116
The Arab conquest in Byzantine historical memory: the long view
Scott Kennedy
Page range: 117-142
Allegorie und Lob der Physik: Das Proömium der Paraphrase des Theodoros Metochites zu naturwissenschaftlichen Schriften des Aristoteles
Markos Kermanidis
Page range: 143-184
A list of village payments and the bouleutic career of Theodoros
Marcin Kotyl
Page range: 185-192
Late Byzantine sigillographic evidence from Cappadocia: lead seals from Kırşehir with a unique overstruck example
Ergün Laflı, Jean-Claude Cheynet
Page range: 193-210
“A statue of bronze, by which times of old used to honor men of rare example”: Materials of honorific statues in Late Antiquity
Esen Öğüş
Page range: 211-246
Textkritik im Dienste der Wahrheitsfindung? Das VI. Ökumenische Konzil (680/81) und seine Fälschungsnachweise
Heinz Ohme
Page range: 247-286
Justinianus Eponymus: Überlegungen zur letzten Glanzzeit kaiserlicher Namensverleihungen an Städte
Max Ritter
Page range: 287-340
Islamicate alchemy in Greek letters on the first page of Marcianus graecus 299
Alexandre Roberts
Page range: 341-350
The silk industry around Naupaktos and its implications
Gang Wu
Page range: 351-366
Pauline Allen / Bronwen Neil. Greek and Latin letters in Late Antiquity. The Christianisation of a literary form
Michael Grünbart
Page range: 367-369
Nicholas Drocourt / Élisabeth Malamut (eds.). La diplomatie byzantine, de l?Empire romain aux confins de l?Europe (ve–xve s.)
Tomasz Pełech
Page range: 370-374
James Howard-Johnston. The last great war of antiquity
Nikolas Hächler
Page range: 375-379
Alex Metcalfe / Hervin Fernandez-Acevez / Marco Muresu (eds.). The making of medieval Sardinia
Salvatore Cosentino
Page range: 379-384
David K. Pettegrew / William R. Karaher / Thomas W. Davis (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of early Christian archaeology
Jean-Michel Spieser
Page range: 385-390
Ioannis Vassis
Page range: 391-396
Nachrufe. Athanasios Kambylis (9. 1. 1928 – 20. 9. 2021), von Ioannis Vassis — 391 Benjamin Hendrickx (24 July 1939 – 8 July 2021)
Alexios G. C. Savvides
Page range: 396-400

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Byzantinische Zeitschrift, Band 115 - 2022. Heft 1

by: Krumbacher, K. Berger, A.

  • Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2022

Price: 100,00 EURO

1 copy in stock