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Geographers of the Ancient Greek World : Selected Texts in Translation : Volume I & Volume II

by: Shipley, D.G.J.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 30130
ISBN-13: 9781009174893 / 978-1-00-917489-3
ISBN-10: 1009174894 / 1-00-917489-4
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 2024
Publication Place: Cambridge
Binding: Cloth
Book Condition: New
Comments: 2 Vols. Set.

Geographers of the Ancient Greek World
Selected Texts in Translation
Author: D. Graham J. Shipley, University of Leicester
D. Graham J. Shipley, David C. Braund, Richard J. A. Talbert, Daniela Dueck, Stanley M. Burstein, Katherine J. Clarke, J. Brian Campbell, Colin E. P. Adams, Aidan Liddle, Yumna Z. N. Khan, Oliver Nicholson, Thomas Russell, James W. Ermatinger, Robert C. Helmer, Ralph Morley

Ancient Greek geographical writing is represented not just by the surviving works of the well-known authors Strabo, Pausanias, and Ptolemy, but also by many other texts dating from the Archaic to the Late Antique period. Most of these texts are, however, hard for non-specialists to find, and many have never been translated into English. This volume, the work of an international team of experts, presents the most important thirty-six texts in new, accurate translations. In addition, there are explanatory notes and authoritative introductions to each text, which offer a new understanding of the individual writings and demonstrate their importance: no longer marginal, but in the mainstream of Greek literature and science. The book includes twenty-eight newly drawn maps, images of the medieval manuscripts in which most of these works survive, and a full Introduction providing a comprehensive survey of the field of Greek and Roman geography.

Provides accurate, and in some cases the first, English translations of these ancient geographical works, together with authoritative introductions and notes
Delivers up-to-date, authoritative assessments of the character, significance, and legacy of each text
The main Introduction presents a comprehensive, accessible survey of the whole of Ancient Greek and Roman geography, and the place of geographical writing within it

Table of Contents
Introduction: Greek geography and geographers D. Graham J. Shipley
Time-line D. Graham J. Shipley
Prologue: The Homeric Catalogue of Ships (Iliad, 2. 484–760) D. Graham J. Shipley
Part I. Archaic Period:
1. Aristeas of Prokonnesos David C. Braund
2. Skylax of Karyanda D. Graham J. Shipley
3. Hekataios of Miletos D. Graham J. Shipley
Part II. Classical Period:
4. Hanno of Carthage Richard J. A. Talbert and D. Graham J. Shipley
5. Hippokrates of Kos (?), Airs, Waters, and Places D. Graham J. Shipley
6. Eudoxos of Knidos D. Graham J. Shipley
7. Pseudo-Skylax D. Graham J. Shipley
8. Pytheas of Massalia D. Graham J. Shipley
Part III. Hellenistic Period:
9. Dikaiarchos of Messana D. Graham J. Shipley
10. Timosthenes of Rhodes D. Graham J. Shipley
11. Herakleides Kritikos D. Graham J. Shipley
12. Eratosthenes of Kyrene D. Graham J. Shipley
13. Mnaseas of Patara Daniela Dueck
14. Skymnos of Chios D. Graham J. Shipley
15. Agatharchides of Knidos, On the Erythraian Sea Stanley M. Burstein and D. Graham J. Shipley
16. Hipparchos of Nikaia D. Graham J. Shipley
17. The Nikomedean Periodos ['Pseudo-Skymnos'] D. Graham J. Shipley
18. Artemidoros of Ephesos D. Graham J. Shipley
19. Poseidonios of Apameia Katherine J. Clarke
20. Dionysios son of Kalliphon D. Graham J. Shipley
21. Menippos of Pergamon J. Brian Campbell
Part IV. Roman Period:
22. Juba II of Mauretania D. Graham J. Shipley
23. Isidoros of Charax Richard J. A. Talbert
24. Pseudo-Aristotle, On the Cosmos (De mundo) D. Graham J. Shipley
25. Pseudo-Arrian, Circumnavigation of the Erythraian Sea Colin E. P. Adams
26. Pseudo-Plutarch, On the Names of Rivers and Mountains and the Things in them J. Brian Campbell
27. Arrian of Nikomedeia, Circumnavigation of the Euxine Aidan Liddle
28. Dionysios Periegetes Yumna Z. N. Khan
29. Agathemeros son of Orthon D. Graham J. Shipley
30. Dionysios of Byzantion Oliver Nicholson and Thomas Russell
31. Pseudo-Hippolytos, Stadiasmos (Stade Table or Circumnavigation of the Great sea) James W. Ermatinger and Robert C. Helmer
Part V. Late Antique Period:
32. Avienus (Avienius), Ora maritima (The Sea Coast) Ralph Morley
33. Expositio totius mundi et gentium (Account of the Whole World and its Peoples) and Iunior Philosophus Richard J. A. Talbert
34. Markianos of Herakleia D. Graham J. Shipley
35. Hypotypōsis tēs geōgraphias en epitomēi (Outline of Geography in Summary) D. Graham J. Shipley
36. Pseudo-Arrian, Circumnavigation of the Euxine D. Graham J. Shipley.

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Geographers of the Ancient Greek World : Selected Texts in Translation : Volume I & Volume II

by: Shipley, D.G.J.

  • ISBN-13: 9781009174893 / 978-1-00-917489-3
  • ISBN-03: 1009174894 / 1-00-917489-4
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2024