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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 95 - 1991 (Number 3) / The Process of Social Stratification at Mykenae in the Shaft Grave Period / Odyssey 5.234.-53 and Homeric Ship Construction / Tomb Cult and Post-Classical Polis

by: Rubinson, K.S. McGovern, P.E. Fleming, S.J. Swann, C.P. Graziadio, G. Mark, S.E. Alcock, S.E. Russell, J.

Price: 12,00 EURO

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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 30237
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Boston
Binding: Paper
Book Condition: New
Comments: Only Volume 3 / American Journal of Archaeology Volume 95, No. 3, July 1991


A Mid-Second Millennium Tomb at Dinkha Tepe (pp. 373–394)
Karen S. Rubinson

The Beads from Tomb B10a b27 at Dinkha Tepe and the Beginnings of Glassmaking in the Ancient Near East (pp. 395–402)
Patrick E. McGovern, Stuart J. Fleming and Charles P. Swann

The Process of Social Stratification at Mycenae in the Shaft Grave Period: A Comparative Examination of the Evidence (pp. 403–440)
Giampaolo Graziadio

Odyssey 5.234–53 and Homeric Ship Construction: A Reappraisal (pp. 441–445)
Samuel E. Mark

Tomb Cult and the Post-Classical Polis (pp. 447–467)
Susan E. Alcock

A Roman Military Diploma from Eastern Pamphylia (pp. 469–488)
James Russell

Archaeology in Israel (pp. 489–538)
Samuel R. Wolff

Book Reviews
Rescue Archeology: Proceedings of the Second New World Conference on Rescue Archeology (pp. 539–540)
By Rex L. Warner
Reviewed by Ricardo J. Elia

Archaeometry: Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium (pp. 540–541)
By Y. Maniatis
Reviewed by James M. Weinstein

Foraging and Farming: The Evolution of Plant Exploitation (pp. 541–543)
By D.R. Harris and G.C. Hillman
Reviewed by Julie Hansen

The Stonehenge People: An Exploration of Life in Neolithic Britain, 4700–2000 B.C. (pp. 543–544)
By Rodney Castleden
Reviewed by Andrew Fleming

The Ancient Art of Northern Asia (pp. 544–546)
By Anatoly Martynov, Demitri Shimkin, and Edith Shimkin
Reviewed by Jeannine Davis-Kimball

Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, 10,000–586 B.C.E. (p. 546)
By Amihai Mazar
Reviewed by William G. Dever

The Archaeology of Western Iran: Settlement and Society from Prehistory to the Islamic Conquest (pp. 546–547)
By Frank Hole
Reviewed by William M. Sumner

Excavations at Maa-Palaeokastro, 1979–1986 (pp. 547–548)
By V. Karageorghis and M. Demas
Reviewed by Ian A. Todd

Berbati 2. The Pictorial Pottery (pp. 548–549)
By Å. Åkerström
Reviewed by Gisela Walberg

Subgeometric Pottery from Southern Etruria (p. 550)
By Sarah Stuart Leach
Reviewed by Birgitte Ginge

La ceramica attica nel Mediterraneo. Analisi computerizzata della diffusione. Le fasi iniziali (630–560 A.C.) (pp. 550–551)
By Roberto Rosati
Reviewed by Michael M. Eisman

Der Antimenesmaler (pp. 551–552)
By Johannes Burow
Reviewed by Marjorie Susan Venit

Darstellungen alter Frauen in der griechischen Kunst (pp. 552–553)
By Susanne Pfisterer-Haas
Reviewed by Eva C. Keuls

Sicilian Architectural Terracottas: A Reappraisal (pp. 553–554)
By Charlotte Wikander
Reviewed by John F. Kenfield

Hellenistic Sculpture I. The Styles of ca. 331–200 B.C. (pp. 554–555)
By Brunilde S. Ridgway
Reviewed by Mark D. Stansbury-O?Donnell

Paestum: Greeks and Romans in Southern Italy (pp. 555–556)
By John Griffiths Pedley
Reviewed by Frances van Keuren

The Bronze Liver of Piacenza. Analysis of a Polytheistic Structure (p. 557)
By L.B. van der Meer
Reviewed by Birgitte Ginge

Architettura etrusca nel Viterbese. Ricerche svedesi a San Giovenale e Acquarossa 1956–1986 (pp. 557–558)
By Pär Göran Gierow, Eva Rystedt, Carl Nylander, Claes B. Persson, Alvar Vidén, Örjan Wikander, Charlotte Wikander, Margareta Strandberg Olofsson, Börje Blomé, Charlotte Scheffer, Leni Wendt, and Anna Maria Sgubini Moretti
Reviewed by Larissa Bonfante

Fidenae (pp. 558–559)
By Lorenzo Quilici and Stefania Quilici Gigli
Reviewed by R.T. Scott

Fregellae 2. Il santuario di Esculapio (pp. 559–561)
By Filippo Coarelli
Reviewed by Ingrid E.M. Edlund-Berry

I materiali votivi di Falerii (pp. 559–561)
By Annamaria Comella
Reviewed by Ingrid E.M. Edlund-Berry

Celtic Art: From Its Beginnings to the Book of Kells (p. 561)
By Ruth Megaw and Vincent Megaw
Reviewed by Peter S. Wells

Assendelver Polder Papers 1 (p. 562)
By R.W. Brandt, W. Groenman-van Waateringe, and S.E. van der Leeuw
Reviewed by Willem J.H. Willems

Il teatro augusteo di Leptis Magna: Scavo e restauro (1937–1951) (pp. 562–563)
By Giacomo Caputo
Reviewed by William E. Mierse

Die Legionen des Augustus: Der römische Soldat im archäologischen Experiment (pp. 563–564)
By Marcus Junkelmann
Reviewed by Colin M. Wells

The Circus and a Byzantine Cemetery at Carthage 1 (pp. 564–566)
By J.H. Humphrey
Reviewed by Colin M. Wells

The Frescoes of the Dura Synagogue and Christian Art (pp. 566–567)
By Kurt Weitzmann and Herbert L. Kessler
Reviewed by Caroline J. Hemans

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 568–570)

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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 95 - 1991 (Number 3) / The Process of Social Stratification at Mykenae in the Shaft Grave Period / Odyssey 5.234.-53 and Homeric Ship Construction / Tomb Cult and Post-Classical Polis

by: Rubinson, K.S. McGovern, P.E. Fleming, S.J. Swann, C.P. Graziadio, G. Mark, S.E. Alcock, S.E. Russell, J.

  • Archaeological Institute of America, Boston, 1991

Price: 12,00 EURO

1 copy in stock