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Historia : Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte - Revue d'Histoire Ancienne - Journal of Ancient History - Rivista di Storia Antica : Band XIX, April 1970, Heft 2

by: Alfodi, A. Broughton, T.R.S. Ehrenberg, V. Ernst, J. Ferrabino, A. Vogt, J. Bengtson, H. Stroheker, K. Walser, G.

Price: 20,00 EURO

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Category: Journals
Code: 30490
Publisher: Franz Steiner
Publication Date: 1970
Publication Place: Wiesbaden
Binding: Paper
Book Condition: Very good

Bd. 19, H. 2, Apr., 1970
Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte
Published by: Franz Steiner Verlag

Front Matter

The Exile of the Alkmeonidai during the Peisistratid Tyranny (pp. 129-131)
Peter J. Bicknell

Die ΑΠΟΔΟΚΙΜΑΣΙΑ der athenischen ΒΟϒΛΗ und ihre Anfechtung (pp. 132-140)
Manfred Just

The Ptolemaic Officials and the League of the Islanders (pp. 141-160)
Irwin L. Merker

Marius and the Mithridatic Command (pp. 161-194)
T. J. Luce

Cicero, Sallust and Catiline (pp. 195-215)
K. H. Waters

Ps. Sall. epistula ad Caesarem senem I (pp. 216-223)
Erich Koestermann

Der Huldigungseid auf Kaiser Tiberius (pp. 224-231)
Jakob Seibert

Les organisations de "iuvenes" en Italie et en Afrique du début du IIIe siècle au "bellum Aquileiense" (238 ap. J.-C.) (pp. 232-258)
Jean Gagé

Back Matter

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Historia : Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte - Revue d'Histoire Ancienne - Journal of Ancient History - Rivista di Storia Antica : Band XIX, April 1970, Heft 2

by: Alfodi, A. Broughton, T.R.S. Ehrenberg, V. Ernst, J. Ferrabino, A. Vogt, J. Bengtson, H. Stroheker, K. Walser, G.

  • Franz Steiner, Wiesbaden, 1970

Price: 20,00 EURO

1 copy in stock