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Tokens in Classical Athens and Beyond : Politics, Communities, Contexts

by: Gkikaki, M.E.

Price: 46,80 EURO

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Category: New Books
Code: 30539
ISBN-13: 9781800856134 / 978-1-80085-613-4
ISBN-10: 180085613X / 1-80085-613-X
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Publication Date: 2023
Publication Place: Liverpool
Binding: Paper
Pages: 356
Book Condition: New
Comments: Liverpool Studies in Ancient History

Tokens in classical Athens and beyond

Author:Mairi Gkikaki

Summary:A selection of essays on symbola, as the tokens of Classical Athens were called, bringing together scholars of various disciplines and professional categories (numismatists, historians, museum curators) that intends to reshape our knowledge on the roles these objects played in the Athenian Democracy. This is a series of case studies which aspires to test old theories and probe new assumptions. The first section explores the extent to which our knowledge has evolved since symbola were first distinguished from coins. Four essays demonstrate how tokens, as material manifestations of particular institutions, contributed to the formation of civic and political identity in the city-state of Athens and the roles they played in ensuring legal and political equality. The second section of the volume on new finds aims to develop expertise in studying tokens and increase relevant knowledge. Finally, a third section contains comparative studies from Sicily, Jerusalem and Ephesos, aiming to adopt a comparative methodology for a better understanding of the characteristics and roles of tokens from across the ancient Mediterranean. 0Contributors: Vera Geelmuyden Bulgurlu, Tumay Hazinedar Coscun, Antonino Crisà, Yoav Farhi, P. J. Finglass, Mairi Gkikaki, Irini Karra, James Kierstead, John H. Kroll, Stamatoula Makrypodi, Christian Mondello, Daria Russo, Martin Schäfer

Liverpool studies in ancient history

xii, 356 pages : illustrations (black and white), maps ; 24 cm.

Mairi Gkikaki, Introduction **Section One: Symbola in Perception and Practice** 1. P.J. Finglass, Tragic Tokens: Sophoclean Symbola in Context 2. James Kierstead, The Athenian Jigsaw Tokens 3. Mairi Gkikaki, The Council of Five Hundred and Symbola in Classical Athens 4. Daria Russo, Tokens and Athenian Tribes: Iconography and Contexts of Use **Section Two: New Finds, embarking on Modern Interpretations** 5. Stamatoula Makrypodi, Athenian Clay Tokens, New Types, New Interpretations 6. John H. Kroll, Lettered and other tokens in the Lawcourts and the Assembly of Athens 7. Irini Karra, The Lot of Lead Tokens from the Makrygianni Plot in Athens **Section Three: Athenian tokens in the aftermath of the Classical Period** 8. Martin Schäfer, Nike on Hellenistic lead tokens: iconography and meaning{::}** 9. Cristian Mondello, Alexander the Great on Lead: Notes on some tokens from Roman imperial Athens{::}** **Section Four: Comparative Studies** 10. Antonino Crisà, New Hellenistic and Roman Clay Tokens from Sicily: Some Case Studies from the Museum of Palermo{::}** 11. Yoav Farhi, A New Type of Roman Period Clay Tokens from Jerusalem 12. Vera Geelmuyden Bulgurlu and Tumay Hazinedar Coscun, A Group of Lead Tokens in the Ephesos Museum Collection

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Tokens in Classical Athens and Beyond : Politics, Communities, Contexts

by: Gkikaki, M.E.

  • ISBN-13: 9781800856134 / 978-1-80085-613-4
  • ISBN-03: 180085613X / 1-80085-613-X
  • Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, 2023

Price: 46,80 EURO

1 copy in stock