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  Books by : L.

Scholia in Aeschylum, Pars I: Scholia Graeca in Aeschylum Quae Exstant Omnia, Pars I: Scholia in Agamemnonem Choephoros Eumenides Supplices Continens

by: Smith, O.L.

  • B.G. Teubner, Leipzig, 1976

Price: 96,00 EURO

1 copy in stock

Wandering Myths: Transcultural Uses of Myth in the Ancient World

by: Audley-Miller, L. Dignas, B.

  • ISBN-13: 9783110416855 / 978-3-11-041685-5
  • ISBN-10: 3110416859 / 3-11-041685-9
  • Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2018


Human Development in Sacred Landscapes : Between Ritual Tradition, Creativity and Emotionality

by: Kappel, L. Pothou, V.

  • ISBN-13: 9783847102526 / 978-3-8471-0252-6
  • ISBN-10: 3847102524 / 3-8471-0252-4
  • Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gottingen, 2014

Price: 47,70 EURO

1 copy in stock

Coins and Archaeology

by: Laing, L.R.

  • Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1969

Price: 59,00 EURO

1 copy in stock

Innovative Vaulting in the Architecture of the Roman Empire: 1st to 4th Centuries CE

by: Lancaster, L.C.

  • ISBN-13: 9781107059351 / 978-1-107-05935-1
  • ISBN-10: 1107059356 / 1-107-05935-6
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015


Lerna VIII : The Historical Greek Village

by: Erickson, B.L.

  • ISBN-13: 9780876613085 / 978-0-87661-308-5
  • ISBN-10: 0876613083 / 0-87661-308-3
  • American School of Classical Studies at Athens, New Jersey, 2018

Price: 115,00 EURO

1 copy in stock

Chalkis Aitolias III: The Emporion. Fortification systems at Aghia Triada & the Late Classical & Hellenistic Habitation in AREA III. The Fortifications at Pangali

by: Dietz, S. Kolonas, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9788771249972 / 978-87-7124-997-2
  • ISBN-10: 8771249974 / 87-7124-997-4
  • Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, 2016


ΚΡΗΤΙΚΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΚΑ, ΤΟΜΟΣ ΛΖ' 2017 / Cretica Chronica Vol. 37, 2017. Texts and Studies from and about Cretan history: Third Period, 2016, Volume XXXVII

by: Kalokerinos, A. Tzedaki-Apostolaki, L.

  • ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΚΡΗΤΙΚΩΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΩΝ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ / Society of Cretan Historical Studies, ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ / Heraclion, 2017

Price: 15,00 EURO

1 copy in stock

ΚΡΗΤΙΚΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΚΑ, ΤΟΜΟΣ ΛΣΤ' 2016 / Cretica Chronica Vol. 36, 2016. Texts and Studies from and about Cretan history: Third Period, 2016, Volume XXXVI

by: Kalokerinos, A. Petmezas, S. Tzedaki-Apostolaki, L.

  • ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΚΡΗΤΙΚΩΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΩΝ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ / Society of Cretan Historical Studies, ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ / Heraclion, 2016

Price: 15,00 EURO

(in stock)

Collezioni epigrafiche della Grecia occidentale | Epigraphische Sammlungen aus Westgriechenland. Pars I: La Collezione epigrafica del Museo archeologico di Agrinio | Die epigraphische Sammlung des archaologischen Museums von Agrinio

by: Antonetti, Cl. Funke, P.

  • ISBN-13: 9783774941601 / 978-3-7749-4160-1
  • ISBN-10: 3774941602 / 3-7749-4160-2
  • Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 2018


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