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  Books by : L.

Women and Humor in Classical Greece

by: O'Higgins, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9780521822534 / 978-0-521-82253-4
  • ISBN-10: 052182253X / 0-521-82253-X
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003


Antonio Millo Isolario

by: Navari, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9789608779228 / 978-960-87792-2-8
  • ISBN-10: 9608779227 / 960-87792-2-7
  • AdVenture, Athens, 2006


Cyprus and the Levant : Rare Books from the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation

by: Navari, L. ΣΚΟΥΤΑΡΗ, Α.

  • ISBN-13: 9789608779297 / 978-960-87792-9-7
  • ISBN-10: 9608779294 / 960-87792-9-4
  • AdVenture, Athens, 2016

Price: 292,30 EURO

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Euripides : Hecuba

by: Battezzato, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9780521138642 / 978-0-521-13864-2
  • ISBN-10: 0521138647 / 0-521-13864-7
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2018

Price: 29,70 EURO

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Ancient Lamps in the J. Paul Getty Museum

by: Bussiere, J. Wohl, B.L.

  • ISBN-13: 9781606065136 / 978-1-60606-513-6
  • ISBN-10: 1606065130 / 1-60606-513-0
  • The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, 2017


The Galatas Survey : The Socio-Economic and Political Development of a Contested Territory in Central Crete during the Neolithic to Ottoman Periods

by: Watrous, L.V D. Buell, M. Kokinou, E. Soupios, P. Sarris, A.

  • ISBN-13: 9781931534895 / 978-1-931534-89-5
  • ISBN-10: 1931534896 / 1-931534-89-6
  • INSTAP Academic Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2017

Price: 95,00 EURO

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Mythical Diary: Sculptures from the Farnese Collection. Photographs by Luigi Spina

by: Spina, L. Daverio, Ph. Fiorentino, G.

  • ISBN-13: 9788874398010 / 978-8-87439-801-0
  • ISBN-10: 8874398018 / 88-7439-801-8
  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art, , 2018


Kult und Spiel in Alten Olympia

by: Deubner, L.

  • Verlag von Heinrich Keller, Leipzig, 1936

Price: 18,00 EURO

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Gli Agoni Olimpici dala Grecia Antica a Roma

by: Urciuoli, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9788897805793 / 978-88-97805-79-3
  • ISBN-10: 8897805795 / 88-97805-79-5
  • Arbor Sapientiae, Roma, 2016


Sparta: Verfassungs- und Sozialgeschichte einer griechischen Polis. 2. Auflage

by: Thommen, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9783476043306 / 978-3-476-04330-6
  • ISBN-10: 3476043304 / 3-476-04330-4
  • J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart, 2017


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