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  Books by : L.

Sappho's Sweetbitter Songs : Configurations of female and male in ancient Greek Lyric

by: Wilson, L.H.

  • ISBN-13: 9780415126717 / 978-0-415-12671-7
  • ISBN-10: 0415126711 / 0-415-12671-1
  • Routledge, London, 1996

Price: 45,00 EURO

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Gladiators at Pompeii

by: Jacobelli, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9780892367313
  • ISBN-10: 0892367318
  • The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, 2003


Letters from the Levant during the Embassy to Constantinople 1716-18

by: Montagu, L.M.W.

  • ISBN-13: 9780405027673
  • ISBN-10: 0405027672
  • Arno Press, New York, 1971


Lerna in the Argolid: A Short Guide

by: Caskey, J.L. Blackburn, E.T.

  • ISBN-13: 9780876616802
  • ISBN-10: 0876616805
  • American School of Classical Studies at Athens, New Jersey, 1997


Hesperia Supplement 43 : New Directions in the Skeletal Biology of Greece

by: Schepartz, L.A. Fox, Sh. C. Bourbou, Chr.

  • ISBN-13: 9780876615430 / 978-0-87661-543-0
  • ISBN-10: 0876615434 / 0-87661-543-4
  • American School of Classical Studies at Athens, New Jersey, 2009

Price: 75,00 EURO

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Tabelle fittili tarantine relative al culto dei Dioscuri (Tav. LXIV-CXI)

by: Stefanelli, L.P.B.

  • , , 

Price: 25,00 EURO

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Un progetto di riforma per Sparta: La "Politeia" di Senofonte

by: Manes, E.L.

  • ISBN-13: 9788816950481
  • ISBN-10: 881695048X
  • Jaca Book, Milano, 1988


L'Officina Ellenistica: Poesia dotta e popolare in Grecia e a Roma

by: Belloni, L. de Finis, L. Moretti, G.

  • ISBN-13: 9788884430441
  • ISBN-10: 8884430445
  • Editrice Universita degli Studi di Trenro, Trento, 2003


Un tempio per Giustiniano: Santa Sofia di Constantinopoli e la Descrizione di Paolo Silenziario

by: Fobelli, M.L.

  • ISBN-13: 9788883341625
  • ISBN-10: 8883341627
  • Libreria Editrice Viella, Roma, 2005


Weights in context: Bronze Age weighing systems of Eastern Mediterranean. Chronology, typology, material and archaeological contexts. Proceedings of the international colloquium, Rome 22nd - 24th November 2004

by: Alberti, M.E. Ascalone, E. Peyronel, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9788885914445
  • ISBN-10: 8885914446
  • Istituto Italiano di Numismatica, Roma, 2006


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