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The End of Ancient Christianity

by: Markus, R.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 26357
ISBN-13: 9780521339490 / 978-0-521-33949-0
ISBN-10: 0521339499 / 0-521-33949-9
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Cambridge
Binding: Paper
Pages: 258
Book Condition: New
Comments: First Published 1990, Reprinted 1991, 1993

This book is concerned with one central historical problem: the nature of the changes that transformed the intellectual and spiritual horizons of the Christian world from its establishment in the fourth century to the end of the sixth. The End of Ancient Christianity examines how Christians, who had formerly constituted a threatened and beleaguered minority, came to define their identity in a changed context of religious respectability in which their faith had become a source of privilege and power.

Accessible study of early development of Christianity
Offers the social and cultural history of this period of change
Markus a leading scholar in the field yet able to write in an accessible style.

Table of Contents
Part I. The Crisis of Identity:
1. Introduction
2. A great multitude no man could number
3. Conversion and uncertainty
4. Augustine: a defence of Christian mediocrity
5. 'Be ye perfect'
Part II. Kairoi: Christian Times and the Past:
6. The last times
7. The martyrs and sacred time
8. Secular festivals in Christian times?
9. The christianisation of time
Part III. Topoi: Space and Community:
10. Holy places and holy people
11. City or Desert? Two models of community
12. Desert and City: a blurring of frontiers
13. The ascetic invasion
14. Within sight of the end: retrospect and prospect
Sources referred to
Secondary literature referred to

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The End of Ancient Christianity

by: Markus, R.

  • ISBN-13: 9780521339490 / 978-0-521-33949-0
  • ISBN-03: 0521339499 / 0-521-33949-9
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993