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  Books by : L.

Isis in a Global Empire : Greek Identity through Egyptian Religion in Roman Greece

by: Mazurek, L.A.

  • ISBN-13: 9781009016902 / 978-1-00-901690-2
  • ISBN-10: 1009016903 / 1-00-901690-3
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2024

Price: 30,95 EURO

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by: Edmunds, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9789605941147 / 978-960-594-114-7
  • ISBN-10: 9605941147 / 960-594-114-7
  • ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΛΕΝΤΗ, ΑΘΗΝΑ / Athens, 2024

Price: 16,00 EURO

1 copy in stock

Erotopaignia : Giochi d'Amore

by: Anonimo Greco (XIV sec.) Coco, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9788822266453 / 978-88-222-6645-3
  • ISBN-10: 8822266455 / 88-222-6645-5
  • Leo S. Olschki, Firenze, 2019

Price: 12,00 EURO

1 copy in stock

Index Antiphonteus

by: Van Cleef, F.L.

  • Georg Olms, Hildesheim, 1964

Price: 35,00 EURO

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The Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia

by: Harrison, L.K. Bilgen, A.N. Kapuci, A.

  • ISBN-13: 9781438481784 / 978-1-4384-8178-4
  • ISBN-10: 1438481780 / 1-4384-8178-0
  • State University of New York Press, New York, 2021

Price: 34,95 EURO

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Lerna Volume IX : The Middle Helladic Pottery. Part I : Text & Part II : Plates

by: Spencer, L.C.

  • ISBN-13: 9780876613092 / 978-0-87661-309-2
  • ISBN-10: 0876613091 / 0-87661-309-1
  • American School of Classical Studies at Athens, New Jersey, 2024


Les Espaces du Savoir dans L'Antiquite : Introduction et huit exposes suivis de discussions / Spaces for Learning in Antiquity : Introduction and eight papers followed by a discussion

by: Anderson, D. Dickey, E. Del Corso, L. Konstan, D. Boudon-Millot, V. Vossing, K. Scholz, P. Cribiore, R. Derron, P.

  • ISBN-13: 9782600007696 / 978-2-600-00769-6
  • ISBN-10: 2600007695 / 2-600-00769-5
  • Fondation Hardt, Geneve, 2024

Price: 77,00 EURO

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The Vanished Library : A Wonder of the Ancient World

by: Canfora, L.

  • ISBN-13:  9780099775409 / 978-0-09-977540-9
  • ISBN-10: 0099775409 / 0-09-977540-9
  • Vintage, London, 1991

Price: 28,00 EURO

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Egyptian Cults on the Black Sea Coast

by: Atanassova, V. Bricault, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9782869586307 / 978-2-86958-630-7
  • ISBN-10: 2869586302 / 2-86958-630-2
  • Ecole Francaise de Rome, , 2024


Alterthumer von Athen nebst andern Monumenten Griechenlands

by: Stuart, J. Revett, N. Bergmann, L.

  • B.F. Voigt, Weimar, 1838

Price: 135,00 EURO

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